Future Pet
Original Pitch by John Cawley – August 2000
This falls into my “I really think this is great idea” category, so have pitched it several times and places including Nickelodeon, Disney and Cartoon Network. I think it has all sorts of sellable elements – science fiction, pets, satire, physical humor, gadgets, etc. It also has a twisted look at history. The first studio I pitched this to had come up with a new item for pitches - a listing of where the humor would come from! (Seemed the development exec was constantly being asked by the network "why" the show would be funny, so the exec began requiring pitches to answer the question.) So I have a section of "comedy points". My earliest pitches were thwarted due to studios already having a “dog” cartoon in the works. Later, it was considered too similar to “talking pet” cartoons in development. While it obviously is a “dog” cartoon, and features a “talking pet”, I think the concept is still unique. My last pitchings failed due to the networks showing animation, wanting to aim their programs at younger audiences. This was another pitch that has recently been called "too smart" for the audiences being reached.
And now my pitch...
Future Pet (aka Planet of the Humans)
A scientist from the future, where dogs rule the world, visits present day Earth in an attempt to discover why humans disappeared from the planet.
In the distant future, dogs have evolved into the master species and have created a highly scientific society. Anthropologist Dr. Farah, a Pharaoh Hound, makes a daring trip in time to the past to discover why humans disappeared from the Earth thousands of years earlier. Having only fossil remains and some early tools and structures to go from, she has no idea what she will meet in “the past”.
Arriving in present times, she has difficulty communicating with the “native” dogs. (Luckily, her work with aboriginal Akitas in the South Seas gave her some idea of prehistoric dog tongues.) To blend in, she assumes the social nature of the natives.
Discovering the limits of being a “stray dog”, she finds it easier to allow herself to be adopted by a human family. Not only will she be able to study the humans more closely and figure out how the species could disappear, but it also gives her a “legal status” to move around for her investigations.
The family that adopts her out of the shelter (where she unexpectedly winds up moments after her arrival in the present), has three children. There are two boys, twins. Their names are Six and Seven. They have an older sister, Kat (short for Katherine). Wishing to maintain the secrecy of her mission, and avoid panic on the Earth, she only confides in the two boys, who seem “simple” and are thus easy to train. However, Kat, soon discovers Dr. Farah’s secret and becomes suspicious, believing the doctor might be an alien sent to study and then destroy humans!
Dr. Farah’s first encounters with humans and their ways leave her with an even greater mystery than why the humans disappeared in the past… how did they manage to exist for this long!
Comedy points…
Fish out of water humor as Dr. Farah tries to adapt to and understand human society.
Disillusionment humor, similar to Eddie Albert in GREEN ACRES. Dr. Farah, expecting to find a “superior” race, discovers humans are actually crazy.
Dr Farah’s futuristic knowledge and gadgets can create problems for current times.
Kat’s continue suspicion of Dr. Farah leads her to plan elaborate traps to expose the “alien”.
Six & Seven’s innocent ways continually threaten Dr. Farah’s exposure.
The Characters
DR. FARAH -Female scientist from a future where Earth is ruled by canines, Dedicated to science and her study of humans, Unable to turn her back on humanity’s troubles, even risking her future, Curious about human rituals, Fond of her “pets”, the humans, Very smart, but not a nerd, An eccentric genius type, Secretly enjoys showing her “superiority” over humans. Think a cross between Agent Scully (smart, determined, concentrated, logical) and Xena (showy, emotional, wild, fun)
KAT - Pre-teen girl. Learning to doubt. Learning to be self-reliant. Argumentative and contrary. Sharp, street smart, defiant, strong willed, and sharp tongued. Think – Malcolm’s (in the middle) mom as a child.
6 & 7 - Twin brothers, around 8, Artistically sensitive, Gullible, Totally open, Manipulative, Puzzled by life. Think – John Lithgow’s character in 3rd Rock as a child
text, image and format © John Cawley
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